The cinetrix took herself to see Before Sunset yesterday before noon, then spent the afternoon watching Before Sunrise at home and contemplating her own reflection in the mirror. And blubbering, natch. Yeah, it was kinda like that. It will take at least one more screening before she can begin to blurt out what she wants to say.
The idea is to remain in a state of constant departure while always arriving.
While the cinetrix struggles to regain her composure, do hustle over to the excellent online film mag reverse shot, which has chosen to devote its summer issue to the Richard Linklater oeuvre. Man, it's good. There's an interview, four views of Sunset, and an essay for each of his other films.
I never saw myself only doing big films or small films; I don’t have a plan for myself, just what the film requires. I’m excitable about weird, small projects; that’s how my mind works.
Mine, too.