OK, actually life is very much with the cinetrix today. She'd much rather be with you nice people in the ether, but work beckons.
In my absence, enjoy these two baubles. First, courtesy of the Brazilian Muse, a trailer that recuts The Shining to make it seem like a comedy about a father and son. You know, the whole "Jack Torrance has two big problems..." approach. See it here.
The second was slipped over the transom by Mrs. Tingle. Imagine, if you will, Jim Jarmusch pitching a Ghost Busters sequel.
Bill Murray goes to an Indian restaurant. He engages in non sequiturs with his waiter. (Backstory, NOT FOR USE IN FILM: Waiter has learned English from advertisements on the benches at bus stops.) Disturbance in kitchen. Bill Murray does not go to investigate. Looks at place mat, lost in indecipherable reflections. Something bursts forth from the kitchen. Bill Murray finds himself "slimed" (offscreen) by the lovable little slime monster from the original film. An emotion flickers over Bill Murray's face. Resignation? Ennui? Ironic detachment? Gentle bemusement? Despair? It is impossible to say. Bill Murray gazes at nothing. His eyebrow starts to move, but then it doesn't. Overhead shot of a bowl of rice. Xylophone/Hammond organ music. Slow fade to black.
Read the rest here.
Back soon. Slow fade to black.