Boom-chicka-wa-wa. The cinetrix just loves it when the NYT gets down and dirty, as in today's deeply insightful article [snort] on the effect of high-def on porn.
This may be what they'd like you to think of as the take-away:
Pornography has long helped drive the adoption of new technology, from the printing press to the videocassette. Now pornographic movie studios are staying ahead of the curve by releasing high-definition DVDs.
But this is--if you'll pardon the industry jargon--the money shot:
“The biggest problem is razor burn,” said Stormy Daniels, an actress, writer and director.
Now, the cinetrix and her hoodlum coworkers at the video store were past masters of playing spot the implant scars way back in the VHS days, so she can't even imagine how horrific adult movies look in HD.
O tempora! O mores! O face!