Fuck it, kids. The cinetrix is going to lay out the rest of her recent trip to Hellay bullet stizz.
- I toasted St. Patrick's with Lo at The Prince, where Jake and his busted nose meet Evelyn for lunch in Chinatown. They haven't changed a stick of the decor since before the early 70s--and by they I mean the Korean owners who served us Hite.
- The trip to The Prince was suggested by FOC Mark Olsen, who met us for and at Lucious Dumplings for brunch the following day.
- The 'Fesser and I, er, killed time before dinner Monday by strolling through Hollywood Forever cemetery. I was dismayed to run into Jeremy Piven and special guest star M. Night Shamalamadingdong shooting a scene for Entourage. I wanted dead stars, dammit. Not live hacks.
- Elote, si! Drogas, no! My favorite dining experience may have been scoring elote from a street vendor outside a Catholic school a block south of Hollywood Boulevard.
- That's only because Lou on Vine did not have the pig candy on the menu when the Teartles, Antonym, the 'Fesser, Johnnyhongkong, the radiant Mary Milan, and yours truly convened there for Monday night supper. Mr. Manohla's restaurant was fantastic. Only clue of his connection to the world of cinema? The server name on the checks: Travis Bickle.
- Oh, yeah, and I even saw a movie. We hit the Cinerama Dome with a former student of mine for a matinee of Zodiac. Enormous, slightly concave Robert Downey Jr. going to pot... mmmmm....