Through some miracle of scheduling, the cinetrix has spring break [obligatory "woo!"] the same week that the SXSW Film Festival unspools in Austin. I'm excited, but still cursing my past self for somehow neglecting to cultivate a friendship with someone there with a spare sofa. Shit's expensive, yo.
So far, my plans are to eat myself senseless on cheap Mexican food [suggestions?] and, you know, watch some movies. The list is here--chime in chez comments if there's a particular movie you recommend.
Those not heading to Texas should not despair. Especially Chicagoans. Turns out Doc Films at U of C is sneaking two festival films: Adventureland (FREE), Monday March 16 at 7 p.m. and Sin Nombre, Thursday March 19 at 7 p.m. Both shows are at the lovely Max Palevsky, and his nibs James Schamus will be throwing down for Sin.
Bostonians have it pretty good, too. Yeah, they'll miss out on the vegetarian goblin one-two punch that is Troll 2 and the doc about it, Best Worst Movie. But! The Brattle is screening Leprechaun. A four-leafed killing spree! On St. Patty's Day! At 10 p.m. Because, truly, what could be scarier than Warwick Davis Jen Aniston and her old nose navigating Chicago's own Cabrini Green?