The feature presentation that is the cinetrix's life has hit some adult situations [illness, death--not chicks in hot tubs] lately. So not much to say on the film-watching front. But I have been reading.* [Apologies in advance for not noting the appropriate "via"s.]
- Hot Wes-on-Wes action. Director Wes Anderson chats with Arnaud Desplechin for Interview [Desplechin shares a great Hitchcock story] and Richard Brody for the New Yorker [sub. req.].
- Speaking of Hitchcock, one day I will find time to watch the 1973 Hitchcock interviews from "The Tomorrow Show" with Tom Snyder that someone unearthed.
- And speaking of Brody, his Proust questionnaire from September has me thinking how I would answer. How would you?
- Chicagoans: Any of you hit the various Facets Film School offerings? The one on the Screwball Comedy and the Feminine Mystique has me wishing I lived in a place where a Hildy Johnson Halloween costume would be legible.
- Joe of Fin de Cinema is the latest profile at Film in Focus's Behind the Blog.
- Not directly film related, but given my interest in pop music in film, I'm keen to read Cassette from My Ex: Stories and Soundtracks of Lost Loves. [Also, I miss the discipline and OCD entailed in creating a mix tape.]
- I've been making my way through the great site Darwin Goes to the Movies [yes, as in "-ism." Yay, science!] This semester I'm teaching a lit class with the dual focus of coming of age stories/works later adapted into films, so here's a link to the post on Thirteen. [And for the 'Fesser, one to his fave, Falling Down.]
- The self-same 'Fesser, with whom I'm about to watch the final episode of Mad Men's second season, claims that clicking through this link will be the closest one can get to David Foster Wallace's "The Entertainment." YMMV
- OK, this has no relation to film whatsoever, but it was one of the few things to make me laugh out loud in the past week.
Once you're done/when I'm feeling more cogent, a tale of the dangers of illegal downloads [not mine], straight from the trenches of teaching! A hint: chaos reigns.
*For those of you playing along at home, you can tell shit's suboptimal when the cinetrix posts bullet points that lack parallel structure.